School Uniform
Children are expected to wear school uniform and our school colours are royal blue, grey and white.
Uniform items:
mid-grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore;
white shirt/polo shirt/blouse;
royal blue jumper/cardigan with school logo;
grey/black/white socks/tights;
a light blue check dress with white ankle socks in the summer.
Footwear: sensible black shoes or all black trainers including black soles and logos or black ankle boots; black closed toe sandals with backs may be worn in the summer. Here are a few suggestions:
PE Kit: white t-shirt (plain or with school logo), navy shorts or skorts, black plimsolls or trainers - all to be contained in a named drawstring bag. A school fleece may be worn for outdoor use but this is not to be worn in school.
Jewellery, Hair Ornaments, Make-up and Nail Varnish: For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery. The exceptions to this rule are earring studs in pierced ears. Children are required to remove any items before PE lessons to prevent them from causing injury. Please note: Teachers are not permitted to remove earrings. Hair bands, ribbons/bows or scrunchies should be plain and either blue/black/grey or white. Hairbands should not have large flowers attached or shaped like ears. Make up and nail varnish should not be worn to school unless for an out of school hours function, for example a school disco. Extreme hairstyles are not appropriate for school. Children with long hair should have their hair tied with blue/black/grey or white ribbons/hairbands.
School uniform is available from Forest Casual & Schoolwear on the High Road in Loughton or most large supermarkets such as Marks and Spencer, ASDA and Sainsbury's. Please also note that the Parents' Association run a regular nearly new sale of donated uniform.
If you are struggling in anyway to afford uniform please ask at the office who will be able to provide discreet assistance.
For details of the Uniform Policy please click here