
Staples Road Primary School

Strive, Respect, Succeed

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Our Governors

"Governors assure themselves that leaders’ work to improve the school is making a positive difference for all pupils." Ofsted Nov 2022


"Governors make regular checks to assure themselves that the arrangements for safeguarding are robust." Ofsted Nov 2022

Trust Governor vacancy

In our School we have provision for six Trust local governing body members and there is currently one vacancy..

If you would like further details please see the link below.

Who are your Governors and what do they do? 
The Local Governing Body (LGB) at Staples Road Primary School comprises of parents, staff and members of the community. We have volunteered to support the whole School Community through monitoring and evaluating the strategic direction of the School and the provision for our children and in being a 'critical friend' to all staff.  See the document 'What does a Governing Body do?' below for more details.


You can contact the LGB via the School Office or the chair directly at

Your Governors are:

Marwan Mikdadi - Trust Governor & Chair of LGB
Catherine Byers Parent Governor

Kelle Green - Parent Governor

Caroline Perham - Parent Governor
Dave Roderick - Trust Governor

Jennie Clarke - Trust Governor

Vacancy - Trust Governor
Andrew Marshall - Trust Governor

Christopher Paul - Trust Governor
Staff Governors: Nick Mallender and April Toms
Clerk to the Governors is Janice Webber

Marwan - I have worked in schools since 1997, starting out as an economics teacher in Guildford, before moving to London. In 2010 I moved to Bancroft’s School to become Deputy Head before moving in 2017 to become Executive Principal of Astrum Education, setting up Kensington Park School. I have recently moved to be Director of Education at Acumen Education and continue to live in Loughton.


Catherine - I have been a Trust Governor at Staples Road School since Autumn 2017 and have now been elected as a parent governor. I lead on the English SDP Priority alongside two other governors.  I bring experience of public sector governance, finance and national-level policy making from my role as a senior civil servant at the Department of Health and Social Care.  I have three children, and the eldest child is in Beech class.


Kelle - I feel passionately that all children should get a supportive and enjoyable educational experience.   As a Parent Governor I enjoy supporting the teachers and leadership team in providing the best possible learning experience and wellbeing care to all SRS children. I love our school and it's wonderful community, I'm a member of the SENDsations parent group and and can be found volunteering at PA events.  I bring experience in strategy development, project management and relationships/partnership management. Having worked with UK manufacturing for 10+ years and now for a skills analytics consultancy, I see firsthand just how valuable it is to have the right skills, many of which come from our time at school.


Caroline - I have a background in PR & Communications, with a career spanning agency, in-house and consulting.  I was appointed as a Parent Governor in November 2023.  I am passionate about education and ensuring that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential.  I have a child in Y2, with another joining Reception in September.  I am enthusiastic about Staples Road - we have an incredible school community and I am proud to be part of it.


Jennie - I have been a parent governor for four years and am excited to continue my support and connection with Staples Road as a Trust Governor now both of my children have left.  In my role as governor I feel I can positively contribute to the school’s continued improvement. I enjoy working with the teachers, leadership team and other governors to help achieve and meet the strategic objectives set, with the aim to providing SRPRs’ children with the best platform to be successful both academically and pastorally. I am passionate about all pupils’ education and potential and the environment within which they are nurtured and encouraged to strive.

I have many years of experience within the Media business, working for media owners where I have held many senior project management positions and enjoy applying my professional skillset to my role as governor


Andy - I now live in Epping, previously in Loughton. My interest dates from my daughter's time at the school when I became a parent governor. I have been involved in education for forty years and was a secondary headteacher for 11 years. I was also an Ofsted inspector. I currently work as an education consultant in London schools. 


April - I joined Staples Road as a Year 6 Schools Direct Trainee in September 2015 and have been a class teacher here ever since, teaching Years 2, 3 and 5. Previously, I attended London Metropolitan University, where I studied Sports Therapy BSc Hons.  I have led Science at SRS and have helped raise the profile of science in school and have helped create an engaging curriculum across all year groups. Since joining Staples Road I have run netball club for Years 5 and 6 and in recent years, have started a separate club for years 3 & 4. I have also assisted in running handball club in Year 6. In my role as staff governor, I will represent a staff viewpoint and will give a perspective of the day-to-day running in school. 




Staples Road Primary School Local Governing Body

Governors’ Details and the Register of Interests

Name of Governor and

Date of Appointment

Category of Governor and term of office expiry

Term of office is four years except where indicated*

Appointing body

Position of responsibility including membership of committees (if any)

Relevant business interests that could present a conflict of interest. Including whether a governor at another school and personal relationship with members of school staff e.g. spouse, partner or relative.

Governor Attendance during last academic year


Meetings – LGB x 5,

Pay Committee x 1

Jennie Clarke


Trust 17/09/2027

Epping Forest


Partnership Trust

  • Governor Induction & Training Link
  • Website & Annual

Governance Statement


LGB - 100% (2/2) Pay Cttee – 100%

Andrew Marshall


Re-appointed 19/09/2022

Trust 18/09/2026

Epping Forest


Partnership Trust

  • Headteacher’s Performance Management Review
  • Pay Committee
  • Finance Lead (including Sports Premium)


LGB - !00%

Pay Cttee – 100%

Marwan Mikdadi


Re-appointed 19/09/2022

Trust 18/09/2026

Epping Forest


Partnership Trust

  • Chair of Governors
  • Headteacher’s Performance Management Review
  • Pay Committee (from Oct 2023)
  • Safeguarding
  • SEND








LGB - 80%

Christopher Paul


Trust 30/03/2026

Epping Forest


Partnership Trust

●   Health & Safety



LGB - 80%

David Roderick


Trust 18/09/2026

Epping Forest


Partnership Trust

  • Pay Committee
  • Pupil Premium/ Sports Premium
  • GDPR


LGB - 80%

Pay Cttee – 100%



Epping Forest


Partnership Trust




Catherine Byers


Parent 31/01/2026

Elected by Parents

  • Vice Chair from 1/9/23
  • Risk Lead
  • Website & Annual

Governance Statement


Co-chair of Staples Road

School Parents


LGB - 80%

Kelle Green


Parent 14/11/2027

Elected by Parents

   ●  Health & Safety






Caroline Perham


Parent 14/11/2027

Elected by Parents

   ●   SEND

Friend of Headteacher





Nick Mallender






Friend of Governor, Caroline Perham



LGB - 100%

April Pizzo




Elected by Staff



LGB - 80%





Governors who have left during the last twelve months

Katherine Benson



Ceased 01/09/2023 as now a Parent of a child at the school

Epping Forest


Partnership Trust



LGB - 40%

Lynne Hague



Term ended:


Epping Forest


Partnership Trust



LGB - 100%

Melissa Tanner



Term ended:


Elected by Parents


  • Flashdragon


  • Husband is EFDC


LGB - 60%

Jennie Clarke



Term ended:


Appointed as a Trust

Governor - 18/09/2023 See Above

Elected by Parents

Vice Chair of Governors Pay Committee

Parent of year 6 child

LGB - 100% (2/2) Pay Cttee – 100%


Staples Road Primary School joined the Epping Forest Schools Partnership Trust from 1 September 2018

Local Governing Body Constitution since 23 September 2018 comprises of:

Parent Governors x 3; Trust Appointed Governors x 6; Staff Governor x 1; Headteacher, ex-officio

Our values are kindness, honesty, creativity and resilience