
Staples Road Primary School

Strive, Respect, Succeed

Content Gradient


"Teachers ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the same broad curriculum as other pupils."  Ofsted Nov 2022

"Teachers adapt the curriculum so that many pupils with SEND make strong progress in their learning and independence."  Ofsted Nov 2022

"The special educational needs and disabilities co-ordinator makes sure that staff have the expertise necessary to support pupils with SEND effectively." Ofsted Nov 2022  

An Inclusive School


We endeavour to be an inclusive school where all children are welcome and feel happy about coming to school. All children are different and we celebrate diversity within our School. We support all children with special educational needs. Our provision is outlined in our Special Needs Policy, which is reviewed annually. If a child has a disability, s/he will be given every opportunity to engage fully in the life of the school and we will make reasonable adjustments to ensure there is no substantial disadvantage. Our accessibility plan describes the arrangements we have already made and the further proposals planned to improve physical access to the school, access to the curriculum and written information.


The Principles that Guide the School’s Approach to SEN:


The school’s SEN policy and practice sets out:

  • To identify and provide for pupils who have additional needs, special educational needs or a disability.
  • To work within the guidance provided by the SEN Code of Practice (DfE 2015)
  • To see each child as an individual, and work with each child and their family in the approach to agree outcomes and the provision of support for a child’s special educational needs.
  • To provide support and advice for all staff working with children who have special educational or additional needs.
  • To maintain and develop the partnership and engagement with parents.
  • To ensure access to the curriculum for all pupils.
  • To ensure all children are able to enjoy and achieve to their potential.

Please review our SEND Policy here:

SRPS SENCo: Mrs Helen Davis


Contact details:

Please visit our policies page to view the SEN Policy

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Our values are kindness, honesty, creativity and resilience